Management Makes The Difference
The Utah outdoors and lifestyle we love is made possible by actively (and proactively) managing the state’s wildlife and public lands.
The programs and initiatives highlighted on this page are just a few of the many examples of how active management benefits the environment, wildlife, and local communities in Utah for current and future generations.
Approximately 71% of Utah is comprised of public lands (38,578,390 acres). Approximately 23% of the State, 12,628,600 acres, is contained within national parks, wilderness areas, national monuments, or other federally designated areas. Another 48%, or 25,949,790 acres, is public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the U.S. Forest Service, and the State of Utah.
This section focuses on the importance of coordinating the management of public lands to meet water priorities, energy and critical mineral needs, and the active management of millions of acres of public lands through work accomplished on the ground by programs like Shared Stewardship and the Watershed Restoration Initiative.
Everyone loves wildlife and through strategic planning and coordination populations are being protected, enhanced, and actively managed.
The population of the State of Utah is growing incredibly fast and it is vitally important that we work together as a community to plan accordingly so we are prepared for when there are natural disasters like wildfires and droughts occur.
Approximately 71% of the State of Utah consists of public lands that provide food, water, energy, minerals, and other essential services to Utahns and other people around the world. Through actively managing our public lands and natural resources, those lands and resources are able to become more resilient and provide greater value to everyone that benefits from their existence now and into the future.
Our Partners
Special thanks to our partners who help make the difference for Utah's public lands.
Governor's Office of the State of Utah
Utah Legislature
Utah County Commissioners
U.S. Department of The Interior
Utah Department of Natural Resources
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Utah Department of Environmental Quality
U.S. Forest Service
Utah Department of Agriculture & Food
Bureau of Land Management
Utah State Historic Preservation Office
Bureau of Reclamation
Utah Office of Tourism
Utah Association of Counties