What is the BLM Public Lands Rule?
The BLM Public Lands Rule is a new set of rules that will inform and shape land management decisions.
On April 18, 2024, the BLM released the final version of the rule.
The new rule will fundamentally alter the future management of BLM lands to the detriment of wildfire mitigation, watershed restoration, invasive species removal, recreation, livestock grazing, mineral extraction, renewable energy production, and other common uses on BLM lands.
BLM Land in Utah
The federal government manages 37.4 million acres (~68%) of the land in Utah that’s larger than the entire state of Illinois. Of those federally managed lands, almost 22.8 million acres are managed by the BLM.
There is no other state besides Nevada where the federal government manages such a large share of the acreage within a state.
This is a final rule, so there is NO opportunity for the public to comment or make suggested changes. However, you can reach out to your representatives in the U.S. Congress to take action.
The State of Utah Stands For Our Land
The State of Utah believes in protecting access to our public lands for all users of all ages and abilities, and managing public land for multiple use and sustained yield. The State adamantly opposes the BLM Public Lands Rule and urges the BLM to focus efforts on working closely with states, local governments, and stakeholders on rulemaking that will truly enhance active management and conservation of BLM lands within the framework of multiple use and sustained yield.

A Solution Looking For A Problem
This Rule will impair the ability of BLM employees and their partners at the state and local level to improve and restore Utahs landscapes and watersheds effectively, as there are already numerous federal designations and acts that ensure the conservation of BLM administered lands. Approximately 10.1 million acres of the 22.8 million acres of BLM land (42% of the total land in Utah) are already under strict land designations of some sort and thats not to mention the millions of acres of protected National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, and other protected Federal lands.