to Utah Public Lands
Utah is the first state in the United States where every county has adopted a County Resource Management Plan as part of the county general plan, and where the State has adopted a State Resource Management Plan. The goals, objectives, and policies contained in these plans are used to enhance coordination, cooperation, consultation, and consistency between state, local, tribal, and federal agencies in order to better manager our public lands and natural resources (
Resource Development Coordinating Committee
The Resource Development Coordinating Committee (RDCC) assists the state planning coordinator in fulfilling the responsibilities of reviewing and coordinating technical and policy actions that may affect the physical resources of the state and facilitates the exchange of information on those actions among state agencies and other levels of government.
Federal law provides for states collaboration and participation throughout the federal project planning process. The RDCC includes representatives from the state agencies who are generally involved in public lands management. Committee members communicate through the RDCC by submitting projects for review or by commenting on federal, state, or local proposed actions.
State agency comments not only make known a project’s potential for positive or adverse impacts, but also provides recommendations for mitigation. When necessary, the RDCC staff coordinates and facilitates state agency comments by publishing a unified state comment.
The RDCC coordinates the review of many proposed public land planning and development projects, including:
- forest health and watershed improvement plans
- wetland reviews
- use of public range resources by livestock operators and wildlife
- oil and gas and mining development
- use of public lands by off-road vehicles and other recreational opportunities
Current status of every project can be viewed through the RDCC Project Management System.